Quick Start

This guide covers how to combine the various packages of Webroute to produce a fully-functioning server-side app.

The resulting app will have strong type-safety, client-side types, automatic OpenAPI spec definitions and validation.


While this guide combines many Webroute packages, bear in mind they can all be used independently. As such, most steps are entirely optional.


npm i @webroute/route

Package Documentation.

First, we will define a "route". In webroute terms, a route is a REST endpoint that also defines things like validation and even middleware.

Defining a Route

To begin, we'll create a single route, designed to create a blog post.

import { route } from "@webroute/route";
const createPost = async () => {
  // Create post somehow...
  return { id: "123" };
const createPostRoute = route("/post")
  .handle(() => {
    return createPost();

Our createPostRoute is merely a (request: Request) => Response handler, and can be used nearly anywhere.

Adding Validation

We want to validate the input to ensure the necessary data has been provided. We can provide a schema or validator to do this.

// For example, using zod
const CreatePostInput = z.object({
  title: z.string(),
const createPostRoute = route("/post")
  // ...snip
  .body(CreatePostInput); // <-- Register our schema
// ...snip

Collect Routes

It's useful to have a single reference point for all of our routes, especially for the following steps.

export const AppRoutes = {


npm i @webroute/middleware

Package Documentation.

Adding Auth Middleware

We will want to ensure only logged in people can create posts. Instead of running a check within each route handler, we can define a middleware function.

import { defineMiddleware } from "@webroute/middleware";
const isValid = (token: string) => {
  // Somehow determine validity
  return true;
export const isAuthed = () =>
  defineMiddleware((request) => {
    const bearer = request.headers.get("Bearer");
    const token = bearer?.replace("Bearer ", "");
    if (token == null || !isValid(token)) {
      return Response.json({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" }, { status: 401 });
    return { token };

Now we can register this with a route.

const authedRoute = route().use(isAuthed());
// Extend from authedRoute
const createPostRoute = authedRoute.path("/post");
// ...snip


npm i @webroute/router

Package Documentation.

Our createPostRoute can be run anywhere web-standards are supported. In some instances we may not need any routing, for example when using nextjs.

In our case, we will use a regular router to match incoming requests.

import { createRadixRouter } from "@webroute/router";
import { AppRoutes } from "./routes";
const router = createRadixRouter(AppRoutes);

This router allows us to match handler based on an incoming request. Therefore, our router can also be used anywhere web-standard requests are supported.

const handleRequest = (request: Request) => {
  const handler = router.match(request);
  if (handler) {
    return handler(request); // Handlers will always return Response
  return Response.json({ code: "NOT_FOUND" }, { status: 404 });

Our handleRequest handler can now be used with many frameworks and runtimes. For example with bun we would use it like so.

  fetch: handleRequest,


npm i @webroute/client

Package Documentation.

We can interface with our app with type-safety on the client side.

On the server-side, we can export our AppDef for future consumption on the client side.

export type AppDef = ToClient.InferApp<typeof appRoutes>;

We can either package our types into an npm module, or import directly if using a monorepo.

import { createTypedClient, createUrl } from "@webroute/client";
export const client = createTypedClient<AppDef>()({
  fetcher: async (config, options?: AxiosRequestConfig) => {
    const url = createUrl(config);
    return axios(url, { data: config.body, ...options });

Alternatively, we can generate a client using OpenAPI types.


This step is very much optional

npm i @webroute/oas

Package Documentation.

Generate an OpenAPI Spec

Using the @webroute/oas package, we can create OpenAPI specs for our routes.

import { createSpec } from "@webroute/oas";
const routes = normaliseRoutes(appRoutes);
export const spec = createSpec(routes);

However, by default createSpec doesn't know how to convert the schema library (i.e. zod) into the required JSON Schema format. To resolve this, we can set the formatter option.

npm i @webroute/schema
npm i typebox // For JSON Schema conversion
npm i zod // Or whatever schema library you\'re using
import { ZodJsonSchemaFormatter } from "@webroute/schema/zod";
export const spec = createSpec(routes, {
  formatter: ZodJsonSchemaFormatter(),
  onCollision(operation) {
    console.log("Collision detected", operation);

This formatter is flexible, so we can use any library we like.

import { zodToJsonSchema } from "zod-to-json-schema";
export const spec = createSpec(routes, {
  formatter: (zodSchema) => {
    return zodToJsonSchema(zodSchema);

OpenAPI Customisations

We may also want to add some additional metadata which will be added to our OpenAPI spec, which we'll generate later.

We can do this for both the schema and the route.

import { OAS } from "@webroute/oas";
const CreatePostInput = OAS.Schema(
  { id: "CreatePostInput", required: false } // <-- OpenAPI will recognize this as it's name
const createPostRoute = OAS.Operation(
  // ...snip,
  { operationId: "CreatePost" }

Client from OpenAPI

For several reasons, we may not want to emit a type definition for our app: perhaps monorepos and npm packages are too much hassle.

Instead, we can derive a typed client from our OpenAPI spec (or any for that matter), without requiring any code generation.

We need to place our spec in .d.ts file to ensure types are correctly setup for inference.

export default {
  // ...OpenAPI Spec Json

We can then infer our AppDef from this.

import { ParseSpec } from "@webroute/oas";
import type Spec from "./spec";
type AppDef = ParseSpec<typeof Spec>;
const client = createTypedClient<AppDef>()({
  // ...


We've created a fully-fledged server-side app which runs in nearly every JS runtime and framework. For a complete implementation, please view the full example.

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