
Standalone Apps

Webroutes are very versatile, and can be used as standalone apps. Here we cover some tips for getting webroute apps up and running with various runtimes.


The below assumes you have some root handler for requests, which may or may not perform routing (it's up to you).

const appRoutes = { myRoute, myOtherRoute };
// Create an array of { path, method, payload } for AppRoutes
const routeList = Object.values(appRoutes).map(Route.normalise);
const router = createRadixRouter(routeList);
const app = (request: Request) => {
  const handler = router.match(request);
  return handler?.(request) ?? new Response("Not found", { status: 404 });

For more detailed advice on how to implement routing, please visit the Routing docs.


While Node has supported the web standard Request and Response classes from v21, it does not provide a standard way to access an incoming HTTP Request.

Until node provides a built-in WinterCG-compliant server, one should use @hono/node-server which converts the traditional node Request/Responses to the web-standard counterpart, on the fly.

import { serve } from "@hono/node-server";
serve({ fetch: app }); // <- Provides us with `Request` and `Response` in node.


Bun.serve({ fetch: app });



Cloudflare Workers

The workerd runtime that Cloudflare Workers utilise expects a default export with a fetch property.

export default {
  fetch: app,

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