
We can use the server-side helpers to decorate OpenAPI schema and generate specs from these.


These are not TypeScript/JavaScript decorators of the form @Decorator. However, similarly, they add semi-hidden metadata to our objects.

We can add metadata to regular JS/TS schema using the following decorators. We will use zod as an example.

const User = z.object({
	id: z.string(),
	name: z.string()
// Provide a config object
const UserWithMeta = OAS.Schema(
	{ id: "User", description: "A basic user" }
) // -> #/components/schemas/User
// Config object will be merged with derived config
const UserAsResponse = OAS.Response(UserWithMeta, {
	"201": {
		description: "201 Success",
		content: {
			"application/json": {
}) // -> 200 and 201 defined in spec
// Or, can use a function for custom merging behaviour
const UserAsBody = OAS.Body(UserWithMeta, (operation, schema) => ({
	content: { // Merge old and new `content`
		"application/xml": {
			schema // Add the JSON-schema

Spec Generation

We can generate OpenAPI specs by passing a list of routes to the createSpec function.

import { createSpec } from "@webroute/oas"
const operations = [
		path: "/foo",
		methods: ["get"],
		Query: QuerySchema,
		Params: ParamSchemaWithDecorators
		path: "/bar",
		methods: ["post", "put"],
		Body: BodySchema
const spec = createSpec(operations)

The spec is based on the highly extensible openapi3-ts OpenApiBuilder.

OAS Decorators

The createSpec function respects any metadata we have defined via the OAS decorators.

Schema Conversion

Our spec generator needs to know how to convert our given schema, which could be anything, into a JSON Schema format compatible with OpenAPI specs.

This is configured via the formatter option which should convert a given schema into JSON Schema form.

createSpec(operations, { formatter: (schema) => toJsonSchema(schema) })

You are welcome to BYO formatter. For example, might want to use zod-to-json-schema or @gcornut/valibot-json-schema.

Alternatively, the @webroute/schema package supports converting most popular schema libraries into JSON Schema.

View the documentation for the schema package.

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