

routes can join forces with @webroute/oas to easily produce highly-customisable OpenAPI Specs (OAS).

By default, routes will automatically carry much useful information for OpenAPI. But to further enrich our APIs, we can use "decorators" from @webroute/oas.

View the oas docs.

Leveraging @webroute/oas

// Enrich our zod User schema with an ID
const UserSchema = OAS.Schema(
	z.object({ id: z.string() }),
	{ id: "User" }
) // -> #/components/schemas/User
	// Add operation-level metadata
	.query(OAS.Param(UserSchema, { style: "...", explode: false }))
	.handle(() => {})

Transform Routes

To build our OpenAPI spec itself, we can either manually format our routes to the correct shape for createSpec. Alternatively, we can use the normaliseRoutes function to assume the right shape.

import { normaliseRoutes } from "@webroute/route"
const appRoutes = { myRoute }
const routes = normaliseRoutes(appRoutes) // -> { path, methods, ... }[]

Leveraging @webroute/schema

When building our spec we need to tell createSpec how to handle our schema objects/functions. createSpec accepts a formatter argument responsible for converting validation schema -> JSON schema.

We can leverage a third-party converter, such as zod-to-json-schema.

Or we could leverage @webroute/schema.

import { createParser, createFormatter } from "@webroute/schema"
import { ZodParser } from "@webroute/schema/zod"
import { TypeBoxFormatter } from "@webroute/schema/typebox"
const parser = createParser(ZodParser())
const formatter = createFormatter(TypeBoxFormatter())
export const toJsonSchema = (schema: any) => {
	return formatter.format(parser.parse(schema))

Now we have a formatter function which will convert zod to typebox (which is actually JSON schema).

const spec = createSpec({ operations: routes, formatter: toJsonSchema })

Adding OpenAPI to routes is that easy.

Learn more about Schema and OAS.

On this page