

We can transform schema into various formats, including other other libraries and JSON schema.

For out-of-the-box library support, view the Library Support page.

If you're looking to implement custom parsers and formatters, keep reading these docs.

Given the nature and complexity of schema/validation libraries, conversions tend to be a somewhat lossy process, meaning perfect transformations are not always possible.


Parsers convert a schema into an abstract "schema def". This is somewhat similar to JSON schema, but simpler and easier to work with.

const parser = createParser(MyCustomParser);
// or, e.g.
const parser = createParser(ZodParser());
const schemaDef = parser.parse(Schema);


Formatters are used to convert schema defs into another form. For example, given a schema def, a zod formatter would convert the def into usable zod schema.

const formatter = createFormatter(ZodFormatter);
const zodSchema = formatter.format(schemaDef);


Discriminators are used determine if a schema is of a particular library.

const isZodSchema = ZodDiscriminator().isSchema(maybeZodSchema);

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